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Premiering Films for World Mental Health Day

10.10 is World Mental Health Day. CinemaWorld supports this Day with two premiering films which depict mental health struggles. Both films spotlight the emotional pain and mental torment faced by the two young protagonists. Catch these films making their debut on CinemaWorld- Swiss feature film Needle Park Baby and Indonesian short film Before Fireworks.



Based on a true story, Needle Park Baby follows eleven year old Mia and her drug-addicted mother as they struggle to adapt to new drug legislations. Featuring astounding performances from veteran actress Sarah Spale and breakout star Luna Mwezi playing the unfortunate mother-daughter duo, Needle Park Baby presents a heart-breaking tale of loneliness, addiction, and family.



Before Fireworks tells the story of a chance encounter between a weary taxi driver working the midnight shift and a strange young boy with a concerning destination. The pair begin a quiet conversation that may very well save a life. 


Although there is increasing mental health awareness around the world, more can be done to increase mental health awareness in youths. We hope that these stories can resonate with and provide respite for our audience. Mental well-being is as important as our physical well-being. If you are experiencing any distress in trying times, please reach out to mental well-being websites or mental health helpline for help.




Samaritans of Singapore

+65 1-767


The Institute of Mental Health

+65 6389 2222




Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA)

03 2780 6803


Life Line Association Malaysia

016 613 1495




Yayasan Pulih

62 21 788 42 580


LISA (Love Inside Suicide Awareness) Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Helpline

62 811 3855 472 (Bahasa)

62 811 3815 472 (English)




National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) Crisis Hotlines



In Touch Community Services

09178001123 (cellphone)







自殺防治安心專線 (Taiwan International Lifeline)





Tâm lý NQH



Chăm Sóc Sức Khỏe Việt

0909 65 80 35


For other country helplines visit:

*Readers should use their own discretion when using any information found on these sites. The information might not be accurate or updated

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