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Be The Chosen One

Thank you for all your entry submissions!

As of June 1 2021, the official open call is now closed.  We hope you will keep us in mind should another opportunity arises.


Who is CinemaWorld?


CinemaWorld is a multimedia entertainment company based in Singapore offering the best international movies from around the world for both feature and short films.


CinemaWorld is available in several territories including Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Sri Lanka and StarHub Cable TV in Singapore.  Our on-demand service – CinemaWorld On-Demand – is available in selected territories.



Who are CinemaWorld’s target audience?


Global-minded anybody and everybody who enjoys movies especially international films.


CinemaWorld prides itself on being the first and only pan-Asian movie service dedicated to showcasing curated programs which have won international awards, features international stars and are international box-office hits.  All movies are shown in their original languages and subtitled in local languages including English.





To mark CinemaWorld’s 10th year anniversary next year, we are kicking off a branding project aimed at getting the best of young minds like yours to help us rejuvenate and inject freshness to the brand, whilst maintaining the essence of CinemaWorld. We strive to continue being a movie service with unique programmes yet very accessible to all demographics including the younger audience.



Who should participate in this competition?


This competition seeks designers who are well-versed in video graphics (GFX), graphics design and media communications. The various On-Air elements created by the winning team/teams will be considered for use on our CinemaWorld services.  This new look will then be adapted to CinemaWorld’s various Off-Air platforms.



What is the new look and feel CinemaWorld is looking for?


Clean, Fresh, Vibrant, Trendy, Confident



What is the preferred colour palette?


Warm, sophisticated, earth tones



What do we expect from participants?


We want YOU to propose and suggest ways for the brand to glow-up.


You suggest the direction and share your take on how CinemaWorld can improve its On-Air look, in order to project a more up-to-the-minute vibe without compromising its brand identity and what the brand stands for –  a premium entertainment service that brings viewers the best international movies from around the world.



Material references


We have compiled some samples of our current and past works, for you to have a sense of the brand’s essence, look and feel.


Do note these materials only serve as a reference and are not meant for replication in any way:

*For reference on how each material sample is used, please view the guide here.





Email your interest to in the following format:

  • Email Subject: PROJECT reFRESH
  • Team or Individual submission:
  • Name/s:
  • School (if applicable):
  • Contact Details: (please provide more than one reachable contact ie. email AND phone number)
  • Samples/References of Past Works: (to be provided as a viewable link)

To ensure you do not miss out on our notification should you/your team be shortlisted for the competition, kindly ensure our email is added to your contact book to prevent any emails from ending up in the Junk folder.




For competition Terms & Conditions, please view it here.



When will the new look go live on CinemaWorld?


The fresh look will roll out in the first quarter of 2022.

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